Road Works Ahead.

We’re still here!

It’s been 3 months since we rolled across the Finish Line, met only by the downpour of rain and our own disbelief. Over the passing months, it has been non-stop and we’re still behind! Tomorrow, the precious footage winds its way to Canada where it will be placed in the magical hands of our editors. There will be a grand use of skills.

Meanwhile, there’s some personal edits to be finished, emails to be sent out, and in amongst it all we are changing and updating the website. There’s a lot on the horizon, and as we countdown to the 2014 Mongol Rally, so much to reveal and do; do and reveal. Why, it feels like only 12 months ago we were doing the exact same thing for the 2013 Rally.

Only this time, we know what planning should be done, and how much planning becomes pointless.

Over the course of November, we shall change our space on the web. This includes the domain address. Come November, the domain will become:

Things will look a little brighter, and we’ll even have some photos and maaaaybe some teasers from 2013. You’ll just have to watch this space.


We’re not sure if there is a font size that is symbolic of our gratitude. It would be one of “many lot”s in size at the very least.

As we are quite literally on the doorstep of departure, we wanted to give a shout out to our sponsors and supporters for believing in our project and us!

Without GoalZero, we would quite literally, have very little power to run on. With the equipment we’re taking with, the storage of footage and the charging of camera batteries, we knew the only way was solar and we are very grateful for the equipement GoalZero has provided us to make sure we’re running on the very best nature can provide.

JOBY have been with us from the very start, and Emily has been both helpful and enthusiastic over our plans – we’d have loved to have had her on the bus, but instead she’s helped us out with some amazing Gorillapods and CineSquids to get some perfect Bus action.

Thank you to GoalZeroJoby and SheWee for their kind donations, endless encouragement and support!

We also want to give a great big thank you to our Indiegogo campaign supporters: Cressida Evans, Casey Merle, Darren Stinchcombe, Karen Cairns, Sarah Rodgers, Erica Smith, Anna Stillwell, Mahmoud Abu-Wardeh, Lama Abou Ghali, Fabio Morgese, Emma Norrey, Herman Duyker and Caroline Clarke. Trying to run a television pilot production between 2 people spread across 2 continents is an effort in juggling time differences, personal schedules and budgets. Your investment in our campaign has given us some breathing space and helped make certain areas of our production run that much smoother. We are really proud to be able to carry on with our project thanks to you!

And to everyone who has liked our Facebook page, followed us on Twitter and lurks across our website page and social media outbursts, thank you for sticking with us. We promise to deliver some great adventure stories over the next few weeks, and hopefully free a few armchairs in the process.


Slashing Back on Toilet Seat Covers.

Shewee UK Logo

When ya gotta go… ya gotta go, and well, we should probably avoid going into a full stream of toilet jokes. No point going against the wind, right?

Moving right along, we are really thrilled that Shewee have joined our team of sponsors for the Mongol Rally. They have kindly donated a few sets of their Extreme version for the Bus Team and I’m sure there will be plenty of snapshots of peeing against various trees, walls, and lonely desert shrubs in the near future! Of course, it’s all in good jest – we’re not a team out to make it a pissing contest.

I’ll stop now. Shewee products are discreet, compact, and more importantly reusable!

You can find out more about Shewee through their website. Thanks Shewee!

By the Power of GoalZero!


Earth Hour was fast approaching, and with the help of GoalZero, we not only got the power, but a life-saving solution for all our power needs on the Mongol Rally.

Of course you don’t have to drive across continents to benefit from solar power. The ever so nifty Nomad 7 featured in our Earth Hour video is perfect for camping, keeping in the car on weekend trips, and general household use. Quite honestly, if the muppets in the team can operate one, anyone can!


The Nomad 7 and Guide 10 Kit

Our friends at GoalZero have been amazingly supportive of our plans from the beginning and we are very proud to have them onboard.

With all the camera batteries we have to keep charged; the laptop for social updates and back-ups; mobile phones; and an actual light, GoalZero will power everything from clean and efficient solar power. On a journey like the Mongol Rally, it’s important to us that we keep our carbon footprint as low as possible and be sustainable as possible. GoalZero is the perfect fit.

Over the coming weeks we’re also going to be putting the Escape 150 through some grueling tests so watch our Facebook and Twitter for updates on the power of Gre– GoalZero!

Welcome Aboard, JOBY!


We are beyond excited to announce one of our first sponsors. These guys were the first company we approached for sponsorship, and their enthusiasm has been unrelenting. Known for the inventive, versatile GorillaPod, we are very pleased to announce that JOBY have joined our film team by providing our camera crew with ever versatile GorillaPods and 3-Way Camera Straps.

gp8-bhx-marina2The GorillaPod has paved the way for creative photographers and videographers to achieve that ultimate angle. No need to box your creativity around a tripod any longer. And not just for DSLRs, the GorillaPod comes in all shapes and sizes so you can get creative with your mobile, your camcorder and your point-and-shoot as well.

With a range of accessories including ball head mounts and in a selection of colours, the GorillaPod has taken the thinking out of  “how do I hang from that cliff and capture the sunset over the valley?” and “I wonder how many magnets I need for gravity boots to hang from this scaffolding upside down?”


Check out all the awesome JOBY products at their website where you can also order through their store. Thank you JOBY for your support!

Aside from the innovative GorillaPod, JOBY have created the unique 3-Way Camera Strap. From shoulder to wrist to neck, this camera strap is genius in such a small way. Gone are the days of coiling excess strap out of shot, or trying to focus with a slack line getting in the way. And who wants to advertise their “CANON 7D” for all the world to see?

But wait! There’s more!

Cinetics began as a Kickstarter campaign for their pretty snappy CineSkates and have gone on to devise easy, light-weight solutions for sliders, motion and our favourite, car mount & rigging. Along with all the other amazing JOBY products we’ll be using on the rally, we’ll be putting to very good use our very own CineSquid! Check out the squidy goodness below.

Over the next few weeks we’ll be putting all our gear to some pre-production tests around Dubai. Watch this space for an unique perspective on the perfect Spiderman angle. In the meantime, go take a look at the GorillaPod family – from iPad stands to magnetic ‘Pods for all your Gorilla needs – including the bright & cheerful GorillaTorch.

Thank you, JOBY for your support!

You can find JOBY on Facebook:

On Twitter: @Jobyinc

And via the Internet:

For media enquiries please email: mongolrallythefilm [at] gmail [dot] com